Friday, October 4, 2013

Headin' for a Showdown

Tomorrow, October 5, 2013, the Women's Lacrosse team will partake in the third annual Alumni Game on Motamed Field. Former Panthers will go back to their old stomping grounds and play the 2013-2014 team. 

There are about 20 alumni who are expected tomorrow, as well as the 32 current players. Those expected to make an appearance include 4x First-Team All-American Erica DeVito, grad-assistant Meg Brown, and more.

"I am really looking forward to Alumni weekend. I love getting together with alumni who I played with and those who I never got the chance to play with. It's an amazing time for us all to share and remember the memories of our time at Adelphi and the experiences we had playing for such a reputable athletic program," said Erica

Members of the 2013-2014 team are also excited about this yearly event.

"It's always fun to see old players that I've played with as well as girls that played before I even got here. The games are always tough and we appreciate good competition," said goalie Jordann Dempsey. 

Come out and support your lacrosse team as they play the veterans at 5:45PM, Saturday! 

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