Thursday, October 3, 2013

We Talkin' Bout Practice

Entering week three of Fall Ball practices, the Panthers are laying the ground work for their upcoming tournament at Monmouth University. Tuesdays practices are from 6:30-9PM, then Wednesday morning they have team runs at 6AM. Fridays practices are once again at 6:30-9PM, and at 6:30AM Saturday morning, they're back at it and on the field. 

An Adelphi practice typically consists of team-oriented drills. Ground ball battles, 3v2 continuous, "Jackie Williams Drill," (named after their own two-time All-American defender), among others. The Panthers are working hard every practice in preparation for the tournament as they are the only Division II team involved. 

During their team runs, the girls do intense cardio for about an hour straight. Between reverse Indian runs, 100 yard sprints, and suicides, the Panthers are trying to get into the best shape possible for the upcoming tournaments and the 2014 season.

"After losing in the final 5 seconds of the semi-final game, there's nothing more that I want then to return to the Final Four and show everyone what we are really made of," said defender Lauren Janelli.

Everything the Panthers do during fall ball is in preparation for the upcoming season. Getting so close to a national title and losing it, the girls push themselves everyday and every practice to return back to the Final Four. 

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